• Strengths

    Play to your strengths

    I help adults with dyslexia or ADHD find their strengths and then shape their lives around these strengths.

  • Self-worth

    After a lifetime of feeling ‘not good enough’, adults with dyslexia or ADHD often experience issues with identifying their own worthiness.

    I help adults appreciate who they are, and to let their worthiness shine - softly and gently - in all that they do.

  • Regulation

    Understand why regulating your emotions is important - particularly for adults with dyslexia.

    We are all different, have different triggers, and have different ways to soothe.

    Through an individualised program, I help adults understand how regulation works and why it’s important.

  • I support

    adults with dyslexia and/or ADHD.

    I use evidence and experience to help you find your strengths, discover your worth, regulate your emotions and

    unlock your potential.


Your Potential